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SD1480 - Silicon Bipolar NPN Microwave Power Transistor

The silicon bipolar n-p-n transistor. Common Emitter from 136 to 175 MHz Applications.
- Gold metallization with barrier realizes very stable characteristics and excellent lifetime
- Diffused emitter ballast resistors
- Internal Input Matching
- Output power: 125 W
- Power gain: 9,2 dB
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters | Sym | Value | Unit |
Collector-base Voltage | VCBO | 65 | VDC |
Emitter-Base Voltage | VEBO | 4.0 | VDC |
Collector Current | IC | 20 | A |
Operation Junction Temperature | Tj | +200 | °С |
Power Dissipation | PDISS | 270 | W |
Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case | RθJC | 0.65 | °C/W |
Storage Temperature Range | TSTG | +150 | °C |
Parameter | Symbol | Min | Typ | Max | Unit |
Collector–Emitter Breakdown Voltage (IC = 40 mADC, VBE = 0) | V(BR)CES | 65 | — | — | VDC |
Collector–Emitter Breakdown Voltage (IC = 40 mADC, IBB = 0 ) | V(BR)CEO | 35 | — | — | VDC |
Collector–Base Breakdown Voltage (IC = 40 mADC, IE = 0) | V(BR)CBO | 65 | — | — | VDC |
Emitter–Base Breakdown Voltage (IE = 10 mADC, IC = 0) | V(BR)EBO | 4.0 | — | — | VDC |
Collector– Emitter Cutoff Current (VCB = 30 VDC, IE = 0) | ICES | — | — | 15.0 | mADC |
Output Capacitance (VCB = 28 Vdc, IE = 0, f = 1.0 MHz) | COB | — | — | 250 | pF |
Power Gain (VCE = 28 V, POUT = 125 W, f = 175 MHz) | Gp | 9.2 | — | — | dB |
Collector Efficiency (VCE = 28 V, POUT = 125 W, f = 175 MHz) | η | 55 | — | — | % |
- Электронные компоненты
- Продукция для автомобильной и промышленной электроники
- Экспортная продукция
- Продукция компании Gallium Semiconductor